The Essential Software for Managing Collection Environments

Informed by decades of preservation research and field testing in cultural institutions worldwide, eClimateNotebook is the leading software tool for analyzing environmental data and assessing the preservation quality of collection environments.

Why eClimateNotebook®?

It is the only environmental management software supported by preservation specialists and research scientists who regularly assist collecting institutions with data analysis and implementing sustainable preservation management strategies.

  • Preservation Analysis

    IPI's Preservation Metrics® quantify preservation risks associated with environmental data and inform decision making that can improve preservation conditions.

  • Compatibility

    Easy to upload, name, and organize temperature and relative humidity data from a wide range of dataloggers. Uploading up to 25 datasets at once saves time and improves workflows.

  • Collaborative Access

    Multiple institutional users can have secure and immediate access to environmental data from anywhere. Reviewing data together on shared screens promotes interdepartmental collaboration and communication.

  • Multiuse Reports

    Clear, concise, and well-designed reports effectively summarize environmental data for a variety of purposes including collaboration on preservation environmental management, and documentation of environmental conditions for facility reports and loan agreements.

  • Preservation Experts

    IPI’s mission is to support the preservation of cultural heritage collections and IPI preservation experts support eCNB subscribers and provide consulting services on all aspects of preservation environmental management.

  • Technical Assistance

    IPI staff can assist with software technical problems at no charge, and can provide beginner-level to advanced-level training through remote screen sharing sessions.

Backed by over 35 years of preservation research

eClimateNotebook® is developed by the Image Permanence Institute (IPI), a university-based research center in the College of Art and Design at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) dedicated to supporting the preservation of cultural heritage collections in libraries, archives, and museums around the world.